Dania Alissa

Dania Alissa

  • Cosmetic Doctor
  • BIG-nummer 49922175201

Dania Alissa studied medicine in Syria, after which she graduated as a plastic surgeon.


Dania finds cosmetic surgery and procedures to be a special profession. This combined with knowledge, art, accuracy and aesthetic insight. Increasing people’s self-confidence and making them happy and satisfied with their appearance again gives her satisfaction. In recent years, Dania has been involved in various activities to get to know the Dutch health system better. She has completed internships at a general practice and in the surgical gastroenterological oncology department at the UMC Utrecht.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - always remember you are the most worthful beholder."

Providing good quality and care really appeals to her. Dania believes it is very important to provide a listening ear, professional advice and safe treatment so that the client can achieve the best result that suits his or her wishes and expectations.

Dania likes to spend a lot of time with her two sons, in her spare time she plays sports and meets with friends.