We utilise your data for marketing and advertising purposes. We endeavour to tailor the content of our newsletters, website and other communication tools to your interests and preferences. We do so by keeping track of purchasing history. We also look at how our websites and apps are used, allowing us to show you relevant content. We do indeed use cookies for this, both our own and those of other parties; you can read more about this in our cookie policy.
Faceland likes to keep you informed of our services, offers, and news via the newsletter. When you sign up for this, you will be asked to fill in some personal data:
- E-mail address: you will receive the newsletter at the specified e-mail address;
- First name: we like to send personalised newsletters;
- Birthday: to receive special offers;
- Gender: to receive offers and other information about relevant treatments;
- Age category: to receive offers and other information about relevant treatments;
- Country: to receive offers and other information about the correct country;
- Interests: to receive offers and other information about the correct area of interest;
- Province: to receive offers and other information about nearby locations;
- Phone number (optional): to receive text messages with interesting deals.
At the bottom of every newsletter you receive, there is also a link where you can unsubscribe or adjust your preferences.
Website and contact form
The Faceland website is secure. Data exchanged with Faceland via the website is encrypted before being sent. When you contact Faceland via the online contact form or blog, you are asked to provide certain personal data:
- Title: Form of address in our subsequent communication;
- First Name: This allows us to immediately schedule an appointment or view your appointment history; For the blog, we will address you by your first name;
- Last Name: This allows us to immediately schedule an appointment or view your appointment history;
- Email Address: This is required to contact you after your form is submitted;
- Phone Number: If the provided email address does not work, we will contact you by phone;
- Date of Birth: Faceland only serves clients over the age of 18;
- Subject: By indicating the topic of your query, we can direct it to the right person and process it as quickly as possible;
- Question: For answering by Faceland;
- Response: Your response to our blog (for publication).
Analysis of website usage
We analyse the use of our website on an aggregated level in order to improve user experience and information provision. We use a tool to generate so-called user recordings, which anonymously record user sessions. This allows us to see how a web visitor navigates the website. Pageviews, mouse movements, clicks and data input are all recorded. The recordings are anonymised, so the data does not contain any personal information and the visitor is not identifiable.
- Anonymous user recordings
Landing pages and conversion measurements
For certain treatments or campaigns, we create so-called landing pages. On these webpages, you immediately get all the information about the topic. You can also reach these pages via social media or an ad on a third site. When you click on something in the landing page, you are linked to www.facelandclinic.com. We measure how many people come to these landing pages and where they come from. Your IP address is registered for this.
- Visitor’s origin
- Click behaviour
- UID using cookie/pixel
- IP address
You can also contact us through the chat on the website. The conversations you have with us are securely stored in our webcare monitoring tool. The contact history is securely stored so that we can see what the conversation was about, but also to read back questions and complaints. When you contact Faceland via the chat on the website, you are asked to fill in some personal information.
- Name: form of address in our follow-up communication.
- Email address: this is a requirement to contact you if you accidentally close the chat.
- Phone number: if the e-mail address entered does not work, we will contact you by phone.
Loyalty and Giftcards
Faceland has the Facecard Loyalty programme, and it’s also possible to give a gift card. Many benefits are automatically provided when you purchase the Facecard, including personalised offers. Your data is stored to send you the Facecard or gift card and to keep track of when you are entitled to a voucher of a certain value. A registration of your data is made.
- Name: form of address in our follow-up communication;
- E-mail address: this is a requirement so that we can send you the Facecard or Giftcard;
- Purchase date: this way we know exactly when the Facecard or Giftcard was purchased and when it expires;
- Purchase amount: if you wish to return the Facecard or Giftcard, we can see how much you’ve paid for it
Social Media
Faceland posts social media content from our own social media channels, those of the doctors and those of customers (with permission) on our website. In this way, website visitors can see results of treatments carried out with us. We only see the photos of customers who have tagged us with @facelandnederland, @facelandgermany_, @facelandbreatsurgery, @facelandswitzerland, @facelandbelgium or hashtags with #faceland. We make a selection of these customer photos to place on our website. Photos of clients are only posted on Faceland channels when the client has given permission. The social media post is visible on our website with permission.
You can also contact us through the social media channels Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Your messages will come in through the mentioned platforms and our online webcare monitoring tool. Your contact history is securely stored there to be able to read back information about appointments, but also to read back questions and complaints. Photos of clients are only posted on Faceland channels when the client has given permission.
Furthermore, you may see an advertisement from Faceland on Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn or Instagram. If you, as a Facebook and Instagram user, agree to their terms and conditions, you are consenting to these advertisements. Consult the Privacy Policies of the social media channels/third parties on their website for more detailed information.