Quality and safety

Monitoring and improving all forms of quality at Faceland is a continuous process.


Faceland is committed to ensuring patient and client safety. We adhere to professional standards and guidelines to prevent avoidable harm and incidents. Regular intensive audits ensure that we meet all quality and safety requirements.

Faceland operates according to the guidelines of the Dutch Society for Cosmetic Medicine and the Dutch Society for Plastic Surgery, with the aim of improving the quality and information of medical cosmetic treatments. On November 12, 2019, the Quality Framework for Cosmetic Care was published by the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZIN). As a clinic, we are obligated to comply with the requirements of the Quality Framework for Cosmetic Care.


The Dutch Society for Plastic Surgery (NVPC) is the leading institution in the Netherlands in the field of cosmetic surgery and cosmetic medicine. Therefore, Faceland follows the NVPC guidelines in the selection of products and the treatments applied. Permanent fillers are not used, and a plastic surgeon is always available for questions or complications. This ensures a responsible approach for both you and Faceland.


The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the most authoritative organization worldwide in the field of injectables. Since cosmetic medicine in the United States evolves faster than in the Netherlands, Faceland follows ASPS guidelines. This ensures that Faceland remains up-to-date!

Quality and safety


Monitoring and improving all forms of quality within Faceland is a continuous process. Faceland has established very high safety and reliability standards, and our quality is continuously evaluated according to fixed protocols. This guarantees the highest possible quality of service and treatment for patients.

Ensuring optimal safety and reliability is of the highest priority for Faceland. We have our internal procedures and protocols for this. The Under the Attention (ODA) quality mark guarantees that you are in trusted and expert hands. The guarantee for the patient means that:

  • Cosmetic doctors are BIG-registered.
  • All treatments are performed in accordance with the regulations of the Dutch Society for Plastic Surgery (NVPC), the
  • Dutch Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (NVEPC), and the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
  • In case of complaints or complications, a cosmetic doctor or plastic surgeon is available.
  • All treatments are carried out with quality products such as Juvéderm®, Belotero®, or Radiesse®.
  • Customer satisfaction is monitored.
  • Medical records are maintained.
  • There is an independent complaints committee.

Salons and clinics with this quality mark continuously demonstrate that quality, safety, and reliability are at a high level and that they meet at least the standards required for salons and clinics. Additionally, salons and clinics with the ODA quality mark also meet additional customer satisfaction requirements, ensure prompt and adequate treatment, and handle complaints in a customer-friendly manner. In short, you can be assured that you are in trusted hands at salons and clinics with the ODA quality mark.


Faceland Netherlands is ISO 9001 certified for injectables and plastic surgery!

ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems. By achieving this certification, we emphasize our focus on safety and quality. Faceland is the injectable clinic in the Netherlands that has obtained this certificate multiple times in one go for all clinics, for both injectables and plastic surgery.

ISO keurmerk logo


Would you like to play an active role in improving care and quality at Faceland? We are looking for enthusiastic new members for our client council! If you are motivated to represent the interests of our clients and to contribute to the board of directors, this could be of interest to you!

What are the tasks of the client council?

The client council oversees the interests of Faceland’s patients. The council collaborates on issues that affect patient care. Annually, the council determines specific focus areas that require more attention and are addressed by specific members.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for motivated and involved new members for the client council. The ideal candidate has an affinity with the healthcare sector and a keen eye for patient interests. Additionally, we seek someone who:

  • Is motivated to advocate for the collective interests of Faceland clients and can separate personal interests;
  • Has experience in the field of consultation;
  • Has policy interest and experience;
  • Possesses good written and verbal communication skills;
  • Is interested in healthcare in general and has demonstrable affinity with cosmetic medicine in particular;
  • Can handle confidential information;
  • Is willing to periodically attend meetings, maintain contacts, prepare advice, and perform various tasks;
  • Takes a proactive approach in gathering wishes and opinions of involved Faceland clients and translating them into relevant policy themes;
  • Is prepared to account for and report on these matters.

What do we offer?

  • An opportunity to actively contribute to the quality of care within Faceland;
  • A platform to think and influence policy and care delivery;
  • Participation in committees and working groups that directly contribute to improvements in care;
  • An involved and motivated team of consultants.

Are you interested in this challenging role? Send your motivation and CV to hr@facelandclinic.com. We look forward to your response!