
Would you like to have your lip fillers removed? Dissolving fillers is simple with the use of Hyaluronidase. This way, you always have a plan B with the Hyaluronidase treatment!

Price From €125,-
Treatment time 20 minutes
Controle 2 - 4 weeks

What is Hyaluronidase?

The hyaluronic acid filler contains a chemical substance that prevents fillers from being immediately broken down by the body. As a result, the filler remains intact after injection. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the body, so the body can absorb it. Do you want to dissolve the fillers? Hyaluronidase is used to completely or partially dissolve the hyaluronic acid in the filler. The filler is thus broken down by the body more rapidly. The Hyaluronidase treatment is often done to dissolve lip fillers. Unfortunately, removing permanent fillers is not possible.

How does a Hyaluronidase treatment work?

Have you enlarged your lips, but it’s just too much? Or do you prefer to remove the filler? The Hyaluronidase treatment will ensure the right size of your lips. First, during a brief consultation, your face is examined, and your wishes are discussed to determine if you are suitable for the treatment.

Furthermore, it is determined how many injections are needed to dissolve the fillers. This depends on the location of the fillers and how much filler has been used. The practitioner begins by applying a numbing cream to the lips or another area on your face. Then, multiple injections are administered at the site of the filler.


Hyaluronidase Treatment Plan

You can reach us by phone at +31 88 101 46 00 between 09:00 – 15:00 from Monday to Saturday. Choose option 1 if you want to contact us about a muscle relaxant or filler treatment. Contact the surgery team by selecting option 2. Our service team is happy to assist you.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation to discuss your wishes and expectations with the practitioner. Based on this, the practitioner will provide you with suitable advice. During the consultation, the practitioner will examine your face and take some photos so that you can compare the results after the treatment. This way, it will be visible whether your wishes have been met.

The practitioner determines how many injections are needed to dissolve the fillers. This depends on the location of the fillers and how much filler has been used. The practitioner begins by applying a numbing cream to the lips, then multiple injections are administered at the site of the filler. The treatment takes 20 minutes.

You should not exercise for 24 hours after the treatment, and for 2 weeks after the treatment, you should not visit the sauna or sunbed. Exposure to UV radiation can make the treated skin more sensitive, which may affect the result.

Prices of the Hyaluronidase treatment

Do you want to be sure about the cost of your treatment? The practitioner will first discuss with you which product is best for you and your wishes and how much is suitable.

Based on this, the practitioner will tell you the cost of the treatment.

  • Clinic Deals specialist
  • Hyalase

    Hyalase (dissolving fillers)

    € 125,-
    € 125,-

The result of the Hyaluronidase treatment

The optimal result is visible after a few days. The filler is dissolved, and your lips (or another treated area) are smaller. After the treatment, some bruising and swelling may occur. We recommend cooling this area well.

You may need to come back multiple times for the desired result. During your treatment, your practitioner will assess how much filler needs to be dissolved. If this is a lot, a second appointment may be necessary. Of course, your practitioner will inform you of this in advance.

Aftercare for the Hyaluronidase treatment

You should not massage or rub the area for 48 hours after the filler treatment, unless the practitioner recommends it. You may move your face. Furthermore, you should not exercise for 24 hours after the treatment. After the treatment, some bruising and swelling may occur.

This area should be cooled well, for example, with a cold pack. Furthermore, you should not visit the sauna or sunbed for two weeks after the treatment. Exposure to UV radiation can make the treated skin more sensitive, which may affect the result.

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Hyaluronidase treatment

With a Hyaluronidase treatment, you can dissolve fillers. This is done with the substance Hyaluronidase. Fillers dissolve naturally over time, but with this treatment, it is done all at once.

A Hyaluronidase treatment is ideal if you are not satisfied with your fillers for any reason. Perhaps you have injected too much, or you still prefer your natural look the most. With Hyaluronidase, you can dissolve the fillers more rapidly.

A side effect of Hyaluronidase may be that, in addition to the hyaluronic acid filler, a small amount of your own hyaluronic acid is also dissolved. This has no further consequences, except that there may be slight volume loss. Our practitioners are experienced experts, so this rarely occurs.

Hyaluronidase, the substance that is injected, takes a few days to work properly. After this, you will notice immediately that the fillers dissolve.

During a Hyaluronidase treatment, the practitioner uses Hyaluronidase. This is an enzyme that removes hyaluronic acid from the body.

Making an appointment for a labia filler treatment?

Call us at +31 88 101 46 00 or make an appointment directly online.