Nasolabial Fold

The nasolabial fold can create a tired expression, even if you don't feel that way. Fortunately, a filler can address this issue. The lines are filled, and you regain a fresh appearance!

Nasolabial Fold
Price From €170,-
Treatment time 20 minutes
Controle 2 - 4 weeks
Effect 6 - 9 months

What is the nasolabial fold?

The nasolabial fold is the line that runs from both sides of your nose wings to your mouth corners. As we age, this fold gradually becomes deeper, resulting in a naturally tired expression on the face. You can reduce or soften the nasolabial fold with fillers. There are various brands of nasolabial fold fillers, namely Belotero, Juvéderm, and Radiesse. Belotero and Juvéderm are hyaluronic acid-based fillers, while Radiesse is a calcium-based filler. Radiesse is often used for deep nasolabial folds due to its firmer consistency. You can schedule an appointment with one of our cosmetic doctors to get informed and advised.

How does a nasolabial fold treatment work?

For this treatment, hyaluronic acid fillers or the Radiesse filler can be used. The amount of filler used depends on the brand. Radiesse uses 1.5 ml, while Belotero and Juvéderm use 1 ml. The right filler for the nasolabial fold is determined by the depth of the fold and the texture of your skin.

The doctor determines where the injections will be placed. Then the fillers are applied to the nasolabial fold. This treatment is often performed using a cannula. The nasolabial fold is sometimes confused with sagging corners of the mouth. These are only the lines next to the mouth and chin, not the lines alongside the nose.

Nasolabial Fold

Nasolabial Fold Treatment Steps

You can reach us by phone at 0031 88 101 46 00 between 09:00 – 15:00 on Monday to Saturday. Choose option 1 if you want to inquire about a muscle relaxant or filler treatment. Contact the surgery team by selecting option 2. Our service team is happy to assist you.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your desires and expectations with the doctor. Based on this, the doctor will provide you with appropriate advice. During the consultation, the doctor will examine your face and take some photos so that you can compare the results after the treatment. This allows you to see if your wishes have been met.

The treatment always consists of several injections, allowing the most suitable filler to be applied precisely in the right place and in the right amount. This treatment is also often performed using a cannula. The treatment lasts 20 minutes.

You should not engage in sports for 24 hours after the treatment and avoid visiting the sauna or sunbeds for 2 weeks after the treatment. UV exposure can make the treated skin extra sensitive and affect the result of the treatment.

Nasolabial Fold Treatment Prices

Want to be sure about the cost of your treatment? The doctor will first discuss with you which product best suits you and your wishes and how much is suitable.

Based on this, the doctor can tell you how much a treatment will cost.

  • Nasolabial Fold

    Clinic Deals behandelaar
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 0,55 ml | Juvéderm

    € 195,-
    € 195,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 0,6 ml | Belotero

    € 170,-
    € 170,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 1 ml | Belotero

    € 270,-
    € 270,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 1 ml | Juvéderm

    € 295,-
    € 295,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 1 ml | Juvéderm

    € 295,-
    € 295,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 1 ml | MaiLi

    € 270,-
    € 270,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 1,5 ml | Radiesse

    € 260,-
    € 260,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 2 ml | Juvéderm

    € 590,-
    € 590,-
  • Neuslippenplooi

    Nasolabial fold 3 ml | Radiesse

    € 520,-
    € 520,-
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The Result of Nasolabial Fold Treatment

The result of the treatment is optimal after two weeks. You will achieve a natural result, namely a smooth skin around the nose and mouth. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can come in for a check-up 2 to 4 weeks after the treatment.

The effect of the treatment with a hyaluronic acid filler lasts 6 to 9 months, and with a Radiesse filler, you will enjoy the result for 9 to 12 months. After this period, you are welcome to come back for a repeat treatment. A combination treatment with other parts of the face is also possible with a liquid facelift.

Nasolabial Fold Treatment Aftercare

You should not massage or rub the treated area for 48 hours after the treatment unless instructed otherwise. You can continue moving your face. You may experience bruising or swelling after the treatment, in which case we recommend cooling the area. The swelling will diminish after a few days.

Bruises may be camouflaged with makeup a few hours after the treatment when the injection sites are closed. Additionally, you should not engage in sports for 24 hours after the treatment and avoid visiting the sauna or sunbeds for 2 weeks after the treatment. UV exposure can make the treated skin extra sensitive and affect the result of the filler treatment.

Nasolabial Fold

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Frequently Asked Questions about the Nasolabial Fold

The result of your treatment is optimal after 2 weeks. If you are not satisfied, come in for a check-up within 2 to 4 weeks. You can then work with your doctor to improve the result.

The duration of the nasolabial fold filler depends on the brand used. A hyaluronic acid filler like Belotero and Juvéderm lasts 6 to 9 months. With a calcium-based Radiesse filler, you will enjoy the result for 9 to 12 months. After this period, you are welcome to come back for a repeat treatment.

Fillers in the nasolabial fold can make you look years younger in one go. The wrinkles are filled with fillers, making the skin much smoother. You will look happier and can smile without worries.

The amount of filler injected into your nasolabial fold depends on the brand used. For hyaluronic acid fillers Belotero and Juvéderm, the doctor uses 1 ml. Radiesse uses 1.5 ml.

This depends on the depth of your nasolabial fold, your skin structure, and your and your doctor’s preference. For a deeper wrinkle, a firm Radiesse filler is often used. For milder complaints, a hyaluronic acid filler is suitable.